Sunday, May 29, 2011

How to choose the best college & course in India?

There are two times in every students life that is the most crucial for him. The first time is when he has to choose what he wants to do in life after passing the 10th standard and the next is which college he should choose after 12th to pursue his interests. This brings us to the question, how should we choose the best college?
The main thing one should remember is that there is no best colleges. A college can be the best option for one student while it completely irrelevant to another. So what we will try to do is find the best colleges for every individual so that it meets all his needs and gives a push to achieve what he wanted in life.
The first step to finding out the college which is the best for you, is to write down a few points on a piece of paper. Here are the questions you should ask yourself and write down the answers to:
1. What is it that you want to do?
2. Where do you see yourself 10 years down the road?
3. In which stream do you want to pursue your further education?
4. Which are the top ranked colleges for that particular stream in India?
5. Which of these colleges are near to your place?
6. Which colleges do you think will be eligible to?
7. What are the placement your choice of stream has been getting from these colleges?
After you write the answers to these questions, log on to the Internet and try to find the colleges which meet all your requirements and check it against your answer list to see whether it fits all the criteria.
Now you have a list of maybe five to six colleges. You now have to select the best college out of these. Most student cannot get to decide which will be the best college out of these short-listed colleges. I will give you a small tip to get you through this dilemma. Go and contact the senior students of the colleges.
Yes, go and contact the senior students. They know what the college has given them and how they have been benefited. They will also tell you whether to go for the college or not. They know what is the best features and the worst features of their colleges. Just ask them the question, "How is this college? Should I take admission here for this particular stream?" you will be amazed by some of the answers. You will get a good knowledge on whether the college is really the best according to the stats in the Internet or is their something more to just stats?
At the end all I can say is, trust your instincts! There is nothing better than your instincts to guide you.
Happy college hunting!

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