Thursday, May 19, 2011

CBSE class X result likely to be Declared on May 20

CBSE Exams Results 2011
The usual buzz around the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) Class X results, expected to come later this week, is missing this year. 

Students are eagerly awaiting the CBSE results 2011 Class X and Class XII as the dates the result were expected to come by have gone.

Reports had earlier indicated that Class X results will be declared on May 16 and Class XII results will be declared on May 23. But speculation over the date of the result is high now.
Almost 8 lakh students have appeared for Class XII examinations and almost 11 lakh have appeared for the Class X exams with almost 6 lakh opting for Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation or CCE.

The results will be available at

Most of the students say they already know their grades for the formative assessments and the first summative assessment.

With the CBSE replacing marks with grades in Class X, expectations, stress and anxiety levels among students and parents are minimal. When the Class X results will be announced — tentatively on May 20 — students will get to know their grades in each subject, plus the grade point and the Cumulative Grade Point Average.
“There is not much excitement,” said Rashi Dhingra from Apeejay School, Pitampura. “We won’t get to know the marks. And I already know the grades for FA I and II and SA-I.”

With the implementation of the Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) system in classes IX and X, the CBSE made Class X assessments entirely school-based. The Board also gave schools the freedom to frame their own datesheet this year. The schools, thus, conducted the assessments internally. For SA-II, the students could opt for either the school-based or the board-conducted assessment, except for students in secondary schools (schools with classes only till Class X), who had to appear for the board-based SA-II.

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